Failed Cured Tomato


Sunday again! Your Halloween adventures looked like so much fun. Very impressive jack-o-lantern. And actually back in high school I was a part of a Rocky Horror Picture Show costume group for Halloween. That’s like a strange little inverse of your experience becoming a playboy bunny.

I’m listening to the lovely song you left me as I write this post.

I have been meaning to try your breakfast recipe! I will probably pick up the ingredients when I run to the grocery store later today. I think I’ll definitely be able to handle your recipe, though my cooking morale has recently taken a hit when I failed at a cured tomato recipe. Looking back the reasons that I failed are abundantly clear, but I still can’t say that I am any closer to making a real cured tomato. Here’s the tale.

I scoured the internet and decided to try and follow this recipe for a cured tomato pasta from Heather, the NYC Expeditionist. Heather had great success with her recipe, which is a recreation of a dish from Stella that she had while visiting Boston.

I started out trying to cure the tomatoes in the oven at a low heat. I somehow ended up just making them mushy and pale.


The next step was to combined the “cured” tomatoes with some chicken sausage. I think I managed to do this part pretty well because I can mix stuff with a spoon.


Then you are supposed to put all of this together with pasta. I was able to do this as well. Again, spoon. However, since the cured tomato is really supposed to be the star of this show, my version of the show starred a pale, flavorless mush. Nonetheless I fed the resulting concoction to my captive guest (who kindly insisted that the thing tasted pretty good).


Compare my final creation with Heather’s. There are many differences.

So in the end I am still on my journey towards a cured tomato. I may try again soon when my ego heals from its bruises.

(Ahhh, I am cutting it close–and 11:57pm EST posting!)



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