Dragonflight XXXVI

Dear Emily, this weekend I went to a board game convention.  And it was awesome.

The spread.
The spread.

GC, his dad, and his brother have been going to Dragonflight for many years now.  People come with new or old board games and you can sign up to lead some or play some, or you can just float around, and you can buy games!  If you look in the panoramic up there, you can see green balloons – those meant players were needed for certain games.  There were several time slots throughout the day on Friday, Saturday, and today, and I played a game in almost all of them!  Some games I played were really intense and took 3-5 hours to play.

Car Wars!
Car Wars!
Circus Maximus!
Circus Maximus!

Others were shorter and more casual – it was nice to do those in between the crazy long and intense ones.

Marrying Mr. Darcy!  I ended up buying this one.  It's great.
Marrying Mr. Darcy! I ended up buying this one. It’s great.
Echidna Shuffle
Echidna Shuffle!

I got myself my own set of dice so I am a true geek now.

My new dice.  This is the first roll I made with them, apparently it's good!  So that means they're lucky.
My new dice. This is the first roll I made with them, apparently it’s good! So that means they’re lucky.  I like to think they chose me.

It was really really really fun!  And I was so happy with how nice everybody was – even if I didn’t understand a game right away, or needed a help, nobody got annoyed.  People were just excited that I was excited and wanted to learn.  I learned a lot of fun newer games and even a few old ones!

Fun times were had by all!
Fun times were had by all!

Signing off!  I have to do laundry / grocery shop / rig myself up an ice bowl fan air conditioner.  So brilliant.


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